Ex-participant of "Doma-2" the summer star of the reality show Ex-participant of «Doma-2» Marina Afrikantova showed herself to numerous injections beauty But few people realize that before popularity, the girl looked a little different.

Yesterday, on the page of her personal blog, Marina showed her appearance before numerous beauty injections. The ex-participant of the TV show noted that, according to the design of nature, she was far from ideal, and provided a photo from that time.

“My initial data was not exactly a model. This is by the way to all those who say: “Well, you were always beautiful, you were just lucky to be born like that, so you succeeded,” Afrikantova signed the picture.

Ex-participant of

In the photo, Marina is about eighteen years old. Compared to the shot from the past, her lips have noticeably changed, and her nose has also shrunk.

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