How Mikhail Efremov's ex-wife lives Ksenia Kachalina and Mikhail Efremov divorced in the early 2000s.

How Mikhail Efremov's ex-wife lives They have a common daughter, Anna Maria Sergey, who, after the separation of her parents, began to live with the actor. The girl did not maintain relations with her mother because of her addiction to alcohol.

In recent years, Kachalina does not work anywhere and abuses alcohol. It is known that Mikhail Efremov helped his ex-wife with money, and also paid her bills and weekly cleaning of the apartment. Now, while the artist is serving time for guilt in a fatal accident, Ksenia is forced to spin herself. Only now the woman does not bother herself, continuing to drink and lead an antisocial lifestyle. How does the ex-wife of Mikhail Efremov live” />

All her income is 5 thousand rubles a month from the Union of Cinematographers, which she spends on cigarettes and wine, after which she earns her living in street garbage cans.

How Mikhail Efremov's ex-wife lives

NTV journalists visited Kachalina's apartment and were horrified by the chaos. Everything is littered with heaps of rubbish and household waste, in which various creatures have already settled.

The former actress does not lose heart, but apparently she does not plan to be treated for alcoholism and change her life.

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