Hollywood facelift: plastic surgeon Tatyana Romanovskaya spoke about her own technique Tatyana Romanovskaya — plastic surgeon and candidate medical sciences.

Hollywood facelift: plastic surgeon Tatiana Romanovskaya spoke about her own technique Tatiana Romanovskaya is a plastic surgeon and a candidate of medical sciences.

She holds an MD & PhD (USA) and is a world-class specialist in facial and breast surgery. She is the creator of the R&R clinic cosmetology and rehabilitation brand, the author, and the author of the Hollywood facelift methodology. With its help, you can carry out a complex facial lift, preserving youth for another ten years.
In a recent interview, the expert spoke in detail about the advantage and difference between the technique and other types of plastic surgery.

– What is the difference between your author's method?

Translated from English Facelift means “face lift” in English. There are a number of techniques, one of which involves skin tension. The effect of such an operation is short-lived and lasts 1-2 years.

The SMAS lift allows you to engage the superficial fascio-muscular system. It includes the circular muscle of the eye, fascia with layers of fat, platysma muscle. The deeper we mobilize SMAS, the better and more effective the result.

In the process, I learned a lot of facelift techniques. I was looking for new techniques, noted shortcomings. Learning from the best plastic surgery gurus around the world, I created my own Hollywood facelift technique. Its difference is that the work is carried out not only with the skin and SMAS layer, but with the soft tissues that are located under them. Thanks to this, it is possible to tighten the middle third of the face, change the shape and projection of the chin, and also work out the muscles of the neck as deeply as possible, which is impossible in other methods.
During the operation, the detachment starts from the outer corner of the eye and the corner of the lower jaw, reaches the nasolabial fold, further along the corner of the marionette and far beyond the platysma. Not only the block on the face is worked out, but also the round neck, a beautiful neck-chin angle is created. Thanks to this approach, the correct tension vector is created,” says plastic surgeon Tatyana Romanovskaya.
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