Альбина Джанабаева рассказала, на чём держится её брак с Валерием Меладзе
40-year-old singer Albina dzhanabaeva rarely shares a joint photo with her husband and father of two of her sons Valery Meladze.

Альбина Джанабаева рассказала, на чём держится её брак с Валерием Меладзе

But yesterday, the artist not only placed the but and told, how they with Valery manage not to quarrel and despite the creative nature of both, to be together.

Dzhanabaeva said that she respect the time and personal space to each other.

Альбина Джанабаева рассказала, на чём держится её брак с Валерием Меладзе

“We appreciate the time when together but also respect private time each other! All a wonderful Sunday!”.

Indeed, it would be difficult to build a successful career, if someone of the partners “ate” the other jealousy or constant scandals.

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