Джереми Реннер оказался далеко не семейным человеком

Джереми Реннер оказался далеко не семейным человеком

The actor who played the main role in the movie “the Avengers”, Jeremy Renner and his ex-model wife Sonny Pacheco are divorced for 4 years. Official statements why the couple broke up, was not done. And now, after so many years, Sonny decided to give an interview and tell what really Jeremy in the role of husband and father.

Sonny bitterly shared that her ex-husband is suffering from alcohol and drug addiction in these two States, he became inappropriate and very aggressive. One day, while in a drugged condition, the couple was another conflict with a girl, Renner began to blackmail her, saying that he will commit suicide. He pulled out a gun, stuck it in my mouth and demanded that his wife left him alone. Jeremy knew that this time their little daughter is in the next room through the wall, and even that didn’t stop him. Sonny admitted that all the years beside her husband she lived in great fear.

The model told that one day their nurse overheard the conversation Jeremy on the phone. Being again under the influence of intoxication, the man confidently stated that he wants to kill his wife, and then to take the life of another and yourself.

Jeremy always maintained good relations with his ex-wife. The woman conveyed the words of former spouse: “it is Better that ava did not have parents than to have a mother like Sonny”. Apparently, the actor was not happy with his wife as mother. At the time of the trial it was also revealed that Renner often enough cheated on Pacheco, he didn’t even hesitate and brought their women, in their joint home.

In court, the lawyer Renner defends the interests of men and says that his client loves his daughter, and you have a good father for her. According to the lawyer, the health and welfare of the ava has always stood in first place for Jeremy.

Celebrities got divorced 10 months after the official wedding. The initiator of the divorce became Sonny. Initially, the agreement was between the parents on joint child custody, in the moment, the model tries to assert sole custody. Girl against the fact that Renner had at least some respect to the daughter.

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