Саша Кабаева устроила фотосессию новорождённому сыну и отметила его день рождения
At a time when the model and blogger Sasha Kabaeva was awaiting the birth of her first child, she had already agreed with the photographer on the first shoot of the baby.

Саша Кабаева устроила фотосессию новорождённому сыну и отметила его день рождения

Many subscribers will Sasha was surprised at this decision, because usually moms prefer to hide their babies from prying eyes. But Sasha has proven that does not believe in such nonsense not so long ago shared the first photo that was taken immediately after the birth of her son.

Саша Кабаева устроила фотосессию новорождённому сыну и отметила его день рождения

And Kabaeva have decided to celebrate every month the birthday of the baby until he turns one year old. Friends supported the idea of Sasha and gave her a real holiday! Special attention was paid to the decoration of the house, deciding to give foil balloons. Photograph taken on the occasion was not long in coming. Agree, the house decorated with balloons, festive looks immediately and effectively.

Саша Кабаева устроила фотосессию новорождённому сыну и отметила его день рождения

“Thank you for choosing me mom Demid.
Our first little event.
Daddy and I love you.
Didn’t think to mention at all, but my Mom and friends said that a month is the first occasion.
Thanks to all who are near.
It’s very unusual!”,

– Sasha wrote under the picture of the celebration.

Recall that at the time of checkout Sasha Kabaeva from the hospital her faithful friend started a theatrical supply with flowers, favorite toys Sasha – pandas and, of course, balloons. Sasha cried with happiness, holding a baby Demid. And, once home, was even more happy.

After the blog Sasha wrote that incredibly grateful to everyone for the support, kind words and generosity. Is as little necessary to make a human holiday.

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