«От негатива мы стареем». Деми Мур рассказала, как оставаться молодой после 50-ти

56-year-old Hollywood actress demi Moore, which is considered one of the most beautiful women in the world, shared their beauty secrets and accepting yourself at any age.

Days in new York, Gwyneth Paltrow hosted the summit of “Goop Health”, on which the famous and important in the world of show-business women shared their stories and tips for beauty and health. One of the guest stars was Hollywood actress demi Moore.

Recently demi Moore rarely gives interviews and appears at events, but for the sake of porogi agreed to participate in the summit. On it, the actress answered the questions of journalists on its relation to age, appearance, nutrition and a healthy lifestyle.

So 56-year-old star admitted that he is not afraid to grow old. The woman calmly and without drama take this natural process.

— Everything changes. The biggest difference between me now and me in the past is that now I’m not in such good physical shape as it was before. However, my main mantra this year is acceptance. One excellent book I read when frown, get angry, get hurt, feel pain, or bitterness, we age. This does not mean that you should always feel happy, no. Just need to try not to cling to the negative, — said the actress.

Looks good but demi not only because of the adoption. The actress pays a lot of time and care for your skin and body. To maintain your face in good condition helps her aesthetician Terri Lawton. Regular treatments Moore combines with one of its main principles in the fight for beauty — moderation.

— Less is actually more, as it is much easier to do some daily routines, if they are simple and easy to implement. And I definitely believe that beauty starts from the inside. You can do without anything, but if you don’t like, feel bad, then I’m not sure that there is a benefit — added Moore.

Recall that this fall, September 24, the world will see the memoirs of demi Moore called “Inside Out” (Inside-out) where the star candidly spoke about his marriage. In the book readers will be able to learn about the complex relationship Moore with his mother and three of her marriage with Freddy Moore, Ashton Kutcher and Bruce Willis. In it, the actress talked about all the UPS and downs: the struggle with dependency, with the adoption of its body.

— Throughout its journey to world fame and in the key moments of life Moore struggled with addiction, has solved the problems with the figure and suffered from childhood trauma, — said in the announcement book. Even despite his successful career, celebrity status and large family. In this extremely candid book she tells all about his career and personal life. Readers will be surprised and at the same time inspired by this story.”

First demi Moore married in 1980. Her choice was a rock musician Freddy Moore. Relations pair lasted only five years.

Most long for the actress was the second marriage of “hard nut” of Hollywood, Bruce Willis. Marry him, demi, was released in 1987, and broke up the lovers in a new era in 2000. During this period, the celebrities were born three daughters: Rumer of Glenn (in 1988), Scout Larue Willis (1991) and Tallow Belle Willis (1994).

Yet the last for the actress was the marriage with her under the age of 16 years, actor Ashton Kutcher. Their relationship was legalized in 2005. In 2011, the couple announced that parting. Then Ashton went to the actress Mile Kunis.

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