Певица МакSим показала новый нос, зубы и вышла замуж
Since then, the singer Maksim (Marina Maksimova) was in a car accident, it has not been heard from since.

Певица МакSим показала новый нос, зубы и вышла замуж

But suddenly Marina came to the program Tatiana Ustinova “My hero”, which airs on TVC channel. Mack was not just to learn – has changed the makeup, smile, teeth, facial features, nose shape.

Певица МакSим показала новый нос, зубы и вышла замуж

Певица МакSим показала новый нос, зубы и вышла замуж

Певица МакSим показала новый нос, зубы и вышла замуж

For comparison, photos of Maksim, made a few years ago:

Певица МакSим показала новый нос, зубы и вышла замуж

Певица МакSим показала новый нос, зубы и вышла замуж

Noticeable, that the singer clearly worked people knowledgeable in the issues of modern beauty.

In addition, the Mack on the fourth finger of the right hand were wearing a ring with a large stone, which clearly meant that the heart of the singer busy.

Певица МакSим показала новый нос, зубы и вышла замуж

Engaged whether Marina Maximova or already married – is not known. But to assume that Maksim she bought such expensive jewelry and wearing it on this finger would be sad, as the singer behind two three is not a very good novel, so we wish Marina good luck and view the program in its entirety. It’s pretty interesting.

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