Стало известно, на что дочь Алсу потратила выигранный в «Голосе» миллион
The fate of a controversial winning 1 million on the show “the Voice” told the singer Alsu.

Стало известно, на что дочь Алсу потратила выигранный в «Голосе» миллион

We will remind that on 24 may was held the First special edition of the project “Voice. Children”, on which the CEO of channel Konstantin Ernst announced the winners of all the finalists, including the daughter Alsou Abramova Michelle. The new final your million rubles received by three members of the teams Pelagia and Valery Meladze, and two children from the team of Svetlana Loboda.

Стало известно, на что дочь Алсу потратила выигранный в «Голосе» миллион

Mikella Abramova on the special issue appeared, so the fate handed to her earlier million remained a mystery. It has now turned out that all money went to charity. “I am glad that my children, my daughter Mikella made an adult decision and gave his first earned money to the Angela Vavilova’s Fund. It really was her initiative. I am happy that such young, she understands the importance of philanthropy,” said Lil Wayne at a charity concert for the children’s Day. The Tatarstan Fund. Angela Vavilova helps children with leukemia.

Стало известно, на что дочь Алсу потратила выигранный в «Голосе» миллион

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