Эрик Давидыч дал странное интервью Юрию Дудю (видео)
A few minutes ago Yuri Dude has published on its Youtube channel the new issue of interview, the hero of which was not so long ago released from prison, Eric Kituashvili, better known as how to check engine temperature.

Эрик Давидыч дал странное интервью Юрию Дудю (видео)

The first issue of Yuri Eric a bit stuck… But it turned out that it’s not so bad.

Эрик Давидыч дал странное интервью Юрию Дудю (видео)

Throughout the whole conversation (which I after a couple minutes of watching in the beginning just squandered, “stopa” excerpts), Eric left to answer or translate the theme.

Эрик Давидыч дал странное интервью Юрию Дудю (видео)

Listening to it was difficult and not interesting.

A 20-minute video scored 14 thousand likes and 10 thousand “dislikes allowed”. Such activity of people who do not like the person the jury may bring the situation to the point that Eric Davydychev will be the “zaliznychnyk a” guest channel “Wdwd”.

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