Рианну обвинили в расизме из-за хайлайтера

Work in the brand singer Rihanna Fenty Beauty in full swing. The star has launched three new highlighter Killawatt, which caused a storm of emotions among fans and the accusations of racism just because of the name of one of the products.

Рианну обвинили в расизме из-за хайлайтера

It all started with the launch of three new shades of shimmers / highlighters called Afternoon Snack/Mo’ Hunny’. The third shade has caused a lot of problems for users. The name Geisha Chic gave some fans of the cosmetics singer to buy shade, because it offends many of the formative years of the history of the geisha.

Most interesting is that the tone everyone liked it, but the name is pushed. Many remembered the clip Coldplay “princess of China”, in which Rihanna is depicted a Chinese Princess. joint working groups and actress caused a lot of questions.

After harsh criticism and attacks on the brand, Fenty removed from sale highlighter. After some time he reappeared, but with a different name — Penny4uthots.

The curiosities in the life of the singer does not end there. Recently, Rihanna threw a party for yourself and your friends in a London restaurant Chiltern Firehouse, reports the Sun. Everything went as it should: the star ordered a lot of oysters and enjoyed an excellent evening. However, one of the visitors was drunk enough to try to steal from the collection plate star is one of the delicacies. “One drunk guy walked up to her Desk and stole one oyster, thinking it would be funny,” says one of the witnesses.

Rihanna is the winner of a huge Bank account and a boyfriend of a millionaire. Despite this, she demanded from the guy £ 250 for the dish! A man from the inner circle of stars approached the guy and demanded his money, because he ruined the dish of the singer. The thief did not resist and paid the required money to the singer ordered the same dish. “With all those millions, don’t even expect Rihanna will notice the loss of some oysters. It turned out she was a wise woman and surrounded himself with the right people, who will monitor such things,” says the eyewitness.

Surprised by this behavior of the singer is not necessary, because it is for the sake of money even filed a lawsuit against his father. Ronald Fenty, the singer, uses a well-known name for business development, while taking advantage of the popularity of Rihanna. The singer’s father created the company talent Fenty Entertainment, using it for promotion and profit the name of the daughter.

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