Мила Йовович: «Я боролась с депрессией и низкой самооценкой»

It would seem that the beautiful Milla Jovovich in great shape, feels great and enjoys his family life. But on the other hand the star of life lurk prolonged depression, fears and low self esteem. With these ailments, the actress was able to handle. This helped her children and regular exercise.

Мила Йовович: «Я боролась с депрессией и низкой самооценкой»

Instagram has long been considered a platform for true confessions. In recent posts Mila told me a year ago were able to cope with depression. With that, she helped her daughter, 11-year-old ava and three-year, Dashiel, and regular exercise.

“This little girl is one of the two reasons why I train five days a week. Another reason my 11 year old daughter. A year ago, I began a program of weekly training sessions and could not believe how amazing the beginning to feel in just a few weeks of regular trips to the gym. All day I was filled with incredible energy, I started to enjoy even the simple parental responsibilities. I struggled with depression and low self-esteem throughout childhood and adult life. And this was the first year when I started to feel in control of your mood and just enjoy life,” writes Mila under the photo with the youngest daughter.

If you find it hard to get up in the morning, but you want to become a lark, Mila knows the solution — a regular exercise routine. Now the actress does not want to lie on the couch, but prefers to run with the children, to cook and to walk. “The beginning of the training — the turning point in my life, and I hope will inspire each of you to exercise. That’s why I often tweet pictures and videos with workouts and also do them live. I send you rays of strength and kindness!”

Previously, Jovovich spoke candidly about his star disease and about what happened to face her family in this difficult period: “I was rude to his mother, did not want to listen to, hooked on alcohol, considered himself always and everywhere wrong — they say that nobody can do me comments, especially to request to clean up her bed, even my own mother. At 18 I thought I already went through a complete life cycle, seen everything, nothing to seek, and quietly to die.”

Milla said that the realization that acting is a profession, which you need to pay much attention that this work came to her at the age of 22 years. Until then, the star of “Blue lagoon” enjoyed all the benefits received through his work and did not aspire to career and personal growth: “Too much going on — it is hard to resist. If you take into all the clubs. Everywhere happy to see you — all parties and social events. Do you have a house, a car, you are in great demand, around celebrities, and you some 18 years!”.

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