Теперь каждый может позвонить Дакоте Джонсон

The movement against harassment is gaining momentum. The star of the movie “50 shades of grey” is very worried about victims of violence, therefore, invited the needy to call her on her cell phone and write an email about your unpleasant experience. Dakota promises that will listen and help.

Over the weekend, the actress attended the Global Citizen festival in 2018, which was held in Central Park in new York. There she made a statement in which asked to end the silence and tell their stories. The actress revealed the crowd of thousands with your phone number and asked the victims to leave her a voice message in which they can tell about their experiences.

“I want to help you and all women and girls around the world. This is my phone number: 212-653-8806. I want you to call me, and told his story to an answering service. And I want you to send me e-mail [email protected]. Let all the victims talk about their experiences”.

She plays Dakota in pictures of sexy characters, said in an interview for Tatler. Dakota also expressed his opinion about the power of women. He believes that girls who Express their opinions and control the sexuality is not a bitch or a diva. “I like to play sexy characters. For me they are very strong… I was always fascinated by women who know how to manage their sexuality, which I am proud, not passive. I don’t think that in order to be respected and feel your strength, you need to be a man. If you’re honest, if you’re overbearing, and you say what you think, you may sometimes be called a bitch or a diva. But it should not be”, — said the actress.