Эмма Стоун поведала о своей болезни
Popular actress Emma stone confessed to the disease, which is struggling with childhood.

Эмма Стоун поведала о своей болезни

Many celebrities do not hide their psychological problems – for example, actress Catherine Zeta-Jones struggling with bipolar personality disorder. The other day her secret revealed and 29-year-old star Emma stone. It became clear that from an early age she suffers from panic attacks and constant anxiety.

Эмма Стоун поведала о своей болезни

As a child, Emma first experienced a panic attack – she was at a party and suddenly felt that the whole house is on fire and everything here will perish, though there was no fire in sight. The constant anxiety caused insomnia. To suppress the disease of the stone helped her profession: “I have learned to endure their fears and strong emotions in my characters, so put that negative energy into useful direction for me. The world is cruel, and when you have depression, you have to be doubly strong to not let him break you,” said the actress.

Эмма Стоун поведала о своей болезни