Джастин Теру о расставании с Дженнифер Энистон

In the beginning of the year, Justin Theroux and Jennifer aniston announced their separation. The news shocked fans, who immediately began to present their version of the causes of the incident. The star was kept from commenting until today. Justin Theroux for the first time gave comments about the divorce from Jennifer in an interview with the New York Times.

“The good news is that it probably was the most gentle breakup without any feelings of hostility”, so “interesting,” says Theroux breakup with aniston.

As Theroux says, the decision to leave has not come suddenly. “It was just inevitable — we both moved in that direction… But again, no one of us died and no one wants to throw at each other with axes”.

“It’s more like a friendly separation. Yeah, I know, to many this may seem boring. But we respected each other enough to make the break as seamless as possible. The heartbreaking point here is only that between us will not be the same friendship it was before,” according to Theroux.

Recall that after his divorce from Jennifer aniston journalists did not let up and try to find a new pair of Justin Theroux. The actor himself novels does not confirm, and in a new interview for the magazine Men’s Health spoke about the doubts and bad experiences. I hope it was not about Jennifer.

“Doubt is good. We all doubt, when we start something new. Doubt motivates and helps us to try to do better. I often doubt, but don’t lose faith. How to cope with doubts? Pretend not to doubt yourself… When you feel stalled and stuck in some situation, don’t forget that even from this experience you can learn something worthwhile. Bad experience instructive,” said the actor.

Insiders report that the actor is still single. “Now Justin is not bound by any relationship. He is very sociable, so loves to hang out with friends, meeting new people. All he spends his free time with friends and family, for example, are very close with your brother,” said a source close to the actor.

Recently Justin tried to drag the affair with Emma stone. Stars spend a lot of time together: they visited the show cruise collection of Louis Vuitton in Paris, and then went on vacation to the South of France. The actress claims that Theroux her “like a brother”.