Новая Золушка: Блейк Лайвли преобразилась в Каннах

The actress once again showed impeccable outfit on the red carpet of the 69th Cannes film festival.

Blake lively literally bloomed at the Cannes film festival in 2016! Every appearance of the actress in the light turns into an event. All her outfits left to chance – and this despite the pregnancy! This time Blake decided to turn to the image of a fairytale character and turned into a real disney Cinderella!

At the premiere of “still waters”, which was held recently in Cannes, Blake lively appeared in a truly luxurious baby blue floor-length dress from Vivienne Westwood Couture. Full skirt of the dress was decorated with bold ruffles, and the bodice – floral embroidery with sequins. The actress added the image of elegant shoes in silver-blue colours. The resemblance with the dress of Cinderella from the cartoon by Disney studios was just amazing. Even stacking Blake – lush beam with a sparkling rim – match the hairstyle of the character.

During your stay at the 69th Cannes film festival Blake lively was trying to be different and continually surprised the audience. After her triumphant appearance on the red carpet in the form of Cinderella star again caught admiring glances. This time the reason was very elegant and sexy bright blue dress, stressing rounded star shape. By the way, the author of the outfit was made by fashion house Atelier Versace. To along actress picked up silver sandals with thin straps of Christian Louboutin.

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