Джастин Бибер отказался делать селфи с фанатами

22-year-old singer said that he’s had enough of joint ops with the fans.

“If you me somewhere you meet, then know this: I will not take the picture, I’m tied up,” warns Bieber admirers of his talent in his Instagram.

“It got to have that people even do not say Hello to me (when are you going to do a selfie), and even as a person is not perceived – continues to complain about the singer. — I feel like an animal in the zoo, but I want to keep my sanity. I understand that some will be disappointed, but I don’t have to do a joint photo. And those who say: “But I bought your album”, let them know that they paid for the album and received the album which is not written anywhere that I had to take a photo with the buyer”.

This guy in front of his family just ran up next to me scared the shit out of me. Put a camera in my face. I asked him to stop and he said “no it’s America and we paid for you” this was in front of his daughter. I was saying stop and no. Great message to your kid. Yes legally you are allowed to take a picture of me. But I was asking you to stop and saying no. I will not take picture with people anymore and it’s because of this dude in Greenville.

A photo posted by @amyschumer APR 30 2016 at 9:23 am PDT

By the way, Bieber isn’t the only celebrity recently refused a joint photo with the fans. Recently, the actress Amy Schumer has placed in your typical Instagram photo (the head and the actress can barely be seen over his shoulder a cheery fan), which commented: “This guy literally jumped on me and scared me to death. Put the camera to my face, and when I asked him to stop, began to shout that “this is America, and we’re paying you” and I continued to ask him to stop, and all this in front of his daughter. Yes, by law you are unable to be photographed with me, but I told you not to do it. I’ll never take photos with people on the street, and all because of this guy.”

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