Ольгу Бузову заметили на отдыхе с бойфрендом
Last weekend Olga Buzova held at the suburban country club where, as it turned out, was not alone.

Ольгу Бузову заметили на отдыхе с бойфрендом

Posting photos in a bikini, Olga wrote, what a blessing to just enjoy a Sunday afternoon and not in a hurry. She talked about the bath, massage and other procedures, but has not mentioned about the man who was there.

Here are just a fans of Olga Buzova and everything connected with it, determined that at the same time and in the same place was a member of “Married with Buzova” Denis Lebedev.

It is noteworthy that Lebedev, when it became an issue, immediately removed from your instagram photos of this country club.

Ольгу Бузову заметили на отдыхе с бойфрендом

While the show didn’t start on the channel, but we already know that Dennis most of all spent time with Olga on dates. All of this led me to think that the winner of the project in direct and figurative sense was Denis, who is now with Olga in the bath.

Ольгу Бузову заметили на отдыхе с бойфрендом

Well, until about Denis Lebedev known that he is slightly over 30. He has 3 degrees and he engaged in cheese-making, producing the most expensive cheese in Russia at a price of 70 000 rubles per kg. All this allowed Denis to become a millionaire and get the casting on the show.