Гвен Стефани тайно вышла замуж
The singer hinted that she is no longer free.

Гвен Стефани тайно вышла замуж

Gwen Stefani and Blake Shelton


Fans of Gwen Stefani are in great
excitement: 48-year-old singer seems to have accidentally revealed a big secret. She called
sister his beloved sister-in-law, and this could mean that Gwen and her boyfriend Blake
Shelton secretly formalized their relationship. This story happened at the resort
in Florida, where the singer with the sons and Shelton came to rest.
Joined their company as a sister of Blake. Under one of the photos taken on holiday, the singer signed: “me and my sister-in-law!”

Gwen did not hide that he was preparing
to be with Blake. So, this spring, in response to another question
a reporter about how is not ready or marriage to Shelton, Stephanie
replied: “the truth is that I just love
wedding. And I love Blake. It was time to love my children. It
impossible not to love. And Yes, I really want to be his wife!”
No one doubted that she this year will be the lawful wife
your favorite. But few expected it would happen so quickly, and the ceremony
will be classified.

Recall, Stephanie and Shelton
start Dating in 2015, when Gwen still had not managed to divorce Gavin Rossdale, whom she “caught”
cheating with the nanny of their children together. After she
became officially free, having managed to win
in a divorce with ex-supergem a large part of his fortune and custody of their three sons, Kingston, Zuma and
Apollo, she began everywhere to openly appear with Shelton.

Gwen Stefani and Blake Shelton with children