Майли Сайрус опозорилась, попытавшись скрыть лицо от папарацци
It would seem, for the time 25-year career Miley Cyrus was already used to the constant attention of the paparazzi.

Майли Сайрус опозорилась, попытавшись скрыть лицо от папарацци

But no, Miley is trying hard to hide his face, and even in such a strange way. Paparazzi caught Cyrus while walking with mom. Seeing lens, Miley tried to hide, raising a shirt to the face.

Майли Сайрус опозорилась, попытавшись скрыть лицо от папарацци

In the end, exposing the belly, which showed that even a star of world scale can leave the house in shorts that are more like pajama.

In the hands of Miley was the green juice. Maybe Cyrus is sitting on detos-diet (diet involves only drinking water and green fruits and vegetables)?

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