Все о номере Лазарева на «Евровидении»

Woman’s Day has learned that Lazarus who sews the costume for Eurovision and what a scenery artist is going to surprise the spectators of the contest.

About the room

May 1, we flew to Stockholm, may 2 – the first rehearsal. On this stage will for the first time, so a little worried. Under the rules of “Eurovision” rehearsal lasts only half an hour. Here in Moscow, we usually rehearse for 6 hours.

Also, there are a number of technical conditions that we had to be reckoned with. There are a number of restrictions on the number of props on stage, the height of the scenery, nothing can be attached to the dome scene. A lot of conventions. But when we conceived our room, we all take this into account. Next to me by a wonderful team led by Philip Kirkorov, which has happened many times at Eurovision. So I’m not worried nor in staging, nor for decorations, nor for the singers – even they have already performed at this competition, only participants from other countries. We are all very experienced.

Numbers of other participants during rehearsals, I will try not to look. Although I understand that somehow you see anything or people of good will tell. But why should I? To compare it to? Don’t want to. And I don’t want to say any negative things, because I noticed that then they come true. Send into space only the positive: everything will be fine, the voice will sound, the audience will well accept and Europe will vote.

About the costume

For my appearance on the stage meets the designer Anna Osmekhina, she many times I sewed concert costumes. But again, the secrets will not disclose, the suit – in the concept of rooms. Although now even two of them to choose from. Decide on a rehearsal in Stockholm.

On the figure 9 (that number Sergey will perform in the semi-final on may 10)

Number nine is rare in my life. Mostly ones and sevens. But nine is also good. It’s the middle of the concert, and not beginning and not ending. Most it. Because at the end you can burn out, waiting for his speech. And the first to be too exciting.

About competitors

This year the “Eurovision” competition is very strong, a lot of hit songs, there are wonderful singers, but to single out one someone can’t, all somewhat unique. It is no wonder that they were sent to represent the country at the competition. The other issue is whether this uniqueness is a response to the many millions of international television audience. Songs are different, the promises are also different and even different languages. To predict who will like it more or less impossible. Don’t know what the mood will soar in may in Stockholm.

Write all about what I can take first place. I do not want to think about it, and then you can relax. I think the audience already did, deciding that the victory in his pocket. But this is not the case. I urge everybody to be careful. Now all forecasts are based only on the sound of the song. But the most important factor is how it will be displayed at the competition. It is in the combination of these factors puts the viewer their opinion. Do not talk about victory as a fait accompli. Don’t hang up on me additional responsibility. Let’s not to say the GOP until jumped. I just want decent performance, then people enjoyed watching my room.

About the support group

None of the relatives with me to Stockholm will not go, in the delegation of each artist is allowed 25 people, and all our places are already booked. But it’s not just that, I don’t want to be distracted from work, I’m going there to work, to represent the country, not to relax and have fun. Don’t want to think where at the moment my relatives, ate they wouldn’t get lost. Unrest of this nature should not be.

About physical training

The room we conceived, requires not only physical training, how much strength. So to gain muscle mass or to lose weight I didn’t have. And no one with a stick on me was not controlling my training, I’m still a artist adult, experienced and self-critical. You know where you need to beef up and where to lose weight. I’m not an athlete, six pack abs to demonstrate on stage is not going to, I need a workout for inner peace, to keep your body in good shape. In Stockholm, too, will exercise perhaps even with Philip together. We will walk to the gym, he’s now also in our ranks.

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