«Лариса много врет на камеру»: Сябитова рассказала о конфликте с Гузеевой Rose Sabitova decided to speak out about the conflict that recently broke out between her colleagues Larisa Guzeeva and Vasilisa Volodya. Speaking to reporters, the matchmaker said that the host of “let’s get married” is not sincere and honest.
«Лариса много врет на камеру»: Сябитова рассказала о конфликте с Гузеевой

On 28 July it will be exactly ten years since the program “let’s get married” aired. It would seem that for such a long period of close and fruitful cooperation leading the project had become close friends. However, between now and then there are conflicts.

So, the other day Larisa Guzeeva insulted Vasilisa Volodin, saying that she has become arrogant against the background of popularity. Fans ambiguous reacted to the leader, and now your review decided to give and rose Sabitova. According to matchmakers, she does not communicate with colleagues on the programme after broadcast on their initiative.

“TV random people blows the head”: Larisa Guzeeva insulted Vasilisa Volodin

“At the beginning of the project Larisa has set a tough ultimatum: it is against our communication outside the programme. So when the cameras turn off, our contacts end up congratulating each other happy birthday and happy new year. And I do not communicate with Vasilisa. Although Volodin and Guzeeva, I think, still sometimes found in neighbor – they live near. Maybe Vasilisa goes to her premiere and I don’t know. About their fresh conflict also do not know as now are out of town and not watching the news,” noted Sabitova.
«Лариса много врет на камеру»: Сябитова рассказала о конфликте с Гузеевой

And yet, matchmaker did not miss the opportunity to prick Guzeeva and accused her frequent lies. According to Cabtool, words colleagues said to live seldom correspond to the truth. So, during one of the programs Larissa told about their culinary exploits, she always have time even after shemok. However, it soon became clear that the history of the beautiful TV presenter was not true.

“Larissa has a lot of lies on camera. One day she blurted out on air that, they say, to Rosa millionwith, and they almost bread on kvass are interrupted. But I did not make excuses. However, I think I am poorer than her and Volodya. Really like Vasilisa for his advice tears up, I am silent! Besides, you can see what the house itself was rebuilt, and compare incomes,” Sabitova said.

Fans of “let’s get married” not really worried, because in this scenario the program may be closed in the conflict against the leading. It’s just unlikely to happen: for the past ten years, the show shows very high ratings, and its longtime stars of the project are fabulously popular.

She Guzeeva previously told that does not support friendly relations with colleagues in the program. According to the artist, it helps her to behave more professionally and not be distracted during filming.

Communicating with Dni.ru rose Sabitova was not to discuss other conflicts that occurred on the set of “let’s get married”. Now, however, fans are confident that Vasilisa Volodin will not remain on the sidelines and comment on a scandalous situation.