Сергей Шнуров может стать «Холостяком» Fans of the show “the Bachelor” I think that Sergey Shnurov claims for a major role next season. The artist himself has not commented on the rumors about his participation in the project, though recently broke up with his wife.
Сергей Шнуров может стать «Холостяком»

Personal life one of the most enviable grooms of Russia have always been complicated, that only is the novel by Sergei Shnurov with the then 15-year-old Oksana Akinshina. 45-year-old actor was married three times, and it seemed that his recent marriage with her life. So the pair looked harmoniously together that the news about the breakup came as a surprise to everyone.

To comment on the rumors about his reasons for leaving nor the musician, nor his ex are not in a hurry. But fans are already gossip that the leader of the group “Leningrad” is preparing to find a new happiness, taking part in the show “the Bachelor.” At least, this assumption appeared in the social network groups devoted to reality shows.

“Post passed post took, so they say?”, — it was reported in the caption to his photo.
Сергей Шнуров может стать «Холостяком»

Account administrators accompanied the post with the hashtag #холостяк7 that generated even more questions from the fans of the TV show. Many of them came to the conclusion that he will become the ideal hero of the project, to observe personal life which will be very interesting. However, there were also those who participate in his program of this kind seemed inappropriate. Moreover, previously, the artist repeatedly unflattering spoke about domestic television.

If Cords still dare to look for love at the draft, the struggle will be serious. The band “Leningrad” is on average about 100 thousand dollars, and the singer only for the year 2016 earned $ 11 million, which makes it really one of the most desirable grooms.

However, Cords have repeatedly pointed out that it’s very hard to please. The choice of the singer must be not only attractive but also intelligent and enterprising. In fact, the ex-wife of artist Mathilde was the perfect answer to all these queries, managing not only to spend time with the star, but also to develop their own restaurant business.

Over the six seasons so far there has been no wedding of the winner and the bachelor. Usually the relationship of the characters end in a few months, but the show helps girls to become incredibly popular and make good money.

According to fans, his invitation can be justified only by the desire to boost ratings program. Notorious musician will be able to attract a new audience. In fact, the creation of a female version of “the Bachelor,” Olga Buzova as a main character, many fans also explain the pursuit of HYIP.