Марина Александрова порадовалась за сына
The son of a popular actress became an adult.

Марина Александрова порадовалась за сына

Marina Aleksandrova

Photo: Yury Feklistov

Photo: Instagram.com

Marina Aleksandrova rarely shares details of his personal life. But decided to make an exception in honor of the new Hobbies of her six-year-old son Andrew. “At the world Championships, our team placed in the heart of my son’s love of football, he knows all the players names and family names, he plays with them asleep, and wakes up, shouting: “Goal!” — with a smile said Marina. — He believes the football team is cooler spider-Man! Cards-stickers with them we are looking in all the shops of the world. Thank you that in our country were its heroes!” Alexandrov admitted that she became an active cheerleader. “I even learned to hit left and understand the offsides,” laughs the actress.

Interestingly, only recently, the actress realized that ready to show a son and a daughter
to the General public. Recently visit Marina in social networks were placed
the artist is two year old Catherine.

This photo is special. First, his little daughter Alexandrova
for the first time captured a full face, so fans were finally able
look at her face. And, secondly, the author of the picture was the husband of Marina
Andrei Boltenko, which gives the frame a special atmosphere. “When the morning
starts with a kiss, the day promises to be beautiful… And how you
is your morning? We the eyes of the beloved”, — has signed a frame

as always, we began to discuss who is more like a daughter
Alexandrova: mom or dad? If it is usually on the subject occur
disputes in the case of two-year-old Catherine, nearly all commentators
agree, the baby is growing replica of the mother.