Внутри себя я танцую: участник команды Аниты Цой начал новую жизнь, лишившись ноги The young man told how, having lost a leg, didn’t lose himself. Dima Kim has lost a limb due to an accident. Gradually, however, he learned to live as actively as before, although it is not easy.
Внутри себя я танцую: участник команды Аниты Цой начал новую жизнь, лишившись ноги

After learning the decision of the doctor to her, I cried for 16 hours, and even thought about suicide…” – says Dima Kim. The tragedy happened in early January 2017. Then the guy who worked with many artists of show business – Anita Tsoy, a group of “Vintage” went to conquer America. One night the dancer went with friends truancy yatsya in Los Angeles. The sun beautifully setting over the horizon and he decided to take some pictures against the wall. Long chose a good angle, when suddenly a large piece of masonry had fallen on his leg. Companions called for an ambulance, the boy was quickly taken to one of the best hospitals. Doctors performed surgery, followed three more, but after a few days gangrene had to be amputated a foot and half the Shin.


“I didn’t want to even think about disability – says 31-year-old Dmitriy Kim. – Due to nervous shock, the temperature, the doctor covered me with ice packs, to somehow cool. Helped out friends who day and night were on duty in the ward, talking, Nast was rivali for the best before and after… January 19, three days after amputation, in the hospital there, celebrating my birthday. Insanely grateful to them”.

Most of all Dima was scared for my mom.

“Didn’t tell her for almost a month – still a hero. – The media information was not immediately. When I talked on the phone or Skype, struggling to keep voice and face, smiled, laughed, although the pain was terrible. Gathering his strength, finally decided on revelation. Asked my brother to go to Togliatti, where relatives now live, and to be near my mom. She cried, regretted, but did. Largely because of this survived and I learned to accept my way up.”
Внутри себя я танцую: участник команды Аниты Цой начал новую жизнь, лишившись ноги

At the age of 17 to study in College, Dima moved from Almaty in Ivanovo. Day diligently sat in pairs and nights away on the dance floors of clubs. “There I was noticed by Moscow producers, was offered to move to the capital, – says Dmitry. – After graduating from the school in 2000, so did they. Everything began to turn at breakneck speed, casting, shooting tour”.

The guy more than a year danced in the show, Anita Tsoy, then worked in the ballet group “Vintage”, but he also starred in commercials. And at the end of 2016 decided to try the forces in America and went to investigate during the winter holidays.

The first step

Who knows what life would have been if not for that ill-fated day. But now, having been in Los Angeles for two years, Dima really happy. “When two months after the tragedy for the first time stood up, eyes were full and tears – says the dancer. – For this moment was worth to go through suffering, pain, endless dressings… Prosthesis made at the expense of medical insurance, the simplest, slightly inconvenient. The steps were hard, but I couldn’t give up. The second, more functional, collected all the world. Helped Anita, Alex Romanov of the “Vintage” family, friends, fans. And six months later, confidently moved, even tried to dance. Sometimes felt very awkward, did not take off the prosthesis on the people who tried hard to mask it. But then accepted the situation, love yourself for who, EU, th, continue rehabilitation.”

The first time, he lived on the money that was listed concerned people. Today is completely self supporting. “After hearing my story, has received commercial offers from multiple clothing brands. I even became the face of the brand, which produces clothes for people with disabilities – continued Kim. – Of course, agree on advertising photography. With friends and are constantly coming up with new videos, do not refuse to participate in dance concerts, local pros, bet room, periodically coming to Russia recently was a member of the jury of the “Cardo” in Stavropol”. Left Dima and sport: every morning starts at the gym.

“Yeah, I can’t do as before, but try to stay in good shape, – says the dancer. – Alcohol refused, of course, sometimes we eat junk food, but the main thing – do not throw the body, improve it.”

A year after amputation Dima tried Hiking is walking through mountainous terrain, which is given not even all healthy people. “Climbed up one of the mountains, offering magnificent views of Los Angeles, smiles Kim. – Was incredibly hard! And recently also realized the dream made a journey across America dreamed of since childhood”.

Drousia and only close relatives know that behind the smile that has been on the face of Kim, holed an uphill struggle. “Of course, there are days when rolls do not want anything, says the guy. – Still pursuing the phantom pain Prosthesis often, rubbing calluses. But I’m trying to mentally Wake up and embrace the world, become a better version of myself. Many people ask: “Where the power of the spirit?” Of course, you can choose the position of the victim of circumstances, feeling sorry for myself and withdraw. But I chose another path. Glad that you can motivate others, – the subscribers are often asked for advice. So, people, no matter what difficulties you face, never give up!”

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