Алика Смехова не смогла выносить ребенка
Actress Alika Smekhova went three times to the altar, but to create a strong family with a husband she couldn’t.

Алика Смехова не смогла выносить ребенка

First wife of Sergey Livnev Alik had received a proposal of marriage at the age of 17. The second marriage was a resident of Forbes George by Beganovi who constantly cheated on her. Due to experiences Smekhova are unable to bear a child.

Алика Смехова не смогла выносить ребенка

“Everything happened really quickly and ended quickly. I want to speak about their men or good or anything. I’m grateful to them for what they were in my life, from each I learned something. Thanks to this short marriage I have learned one thing: nothing can be expected from men. They are all changing rapidly, it is impossible to demand from them more than they can give you. I did not take his family. He was an Assyrian by nationality. His mother said: “You’re not black and white”.

During pregnancy we had a very complicated situation, and from the insane experiences I lost the baby. It became for me a push, I realized that I won’t be with that person. I told him: “If this baby stay, I’ll stay with you, and if not – we’re breaking up,” said Alik.

The third time the actress got married to businessman Nicholas, with whom she had a son Artem. But the husband knew about the affair Aliki, and after a while she bore the lover’s son Makar.

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