Юлия Ковальчук и Алексей Чумаков: «Мы пережили кризис в отношениях» Artists together for more than 10 years, and this fall will celebrate wooden wedding. Recently, their daughter Amelia was eight months. This week, Kovalchuk and Chumakov family release duet song “Turn on the light in me!”. “StarHit” asked spouses the same questions to test how well they know each other.
Юлия Ковальчук и Алексей Чумаков: «Мы пережили кризис в отношениях»

“I do not forgive treachery”

You are together at home, on stage… Sometimes I want to relax, be separately?
Юлия Ковальчук и Алексей Чумаков: «Мы пережили кризис в отношениях»On vacation, we have different modes of life. Julia gets up early here. And I have a choice: Wake up a little later, quietly eat alone, as they like. My wife tried to hook me up to the activities. Now understand that it is not necessary to do this. And we’re kind of a little separate, but at the same time together.
Юлия Ковальчук и Алексей Чумаков: «Мы пережили кризис в отношениях»We are now even this is not possible. And the best vacation – this time to the baby.
What’s your, Alex, want to wife?
Юлия Ковальчук и Алексей Чумаков: «Мы пережили кризис в отношениях»A lot of them. But perhaps most importantly – her love for me. And from this flow all the other.
Юлия Ковальчук и Алексей Чумаков: «Мы пережили кризис в отношениях»I would like to believe that this is women’s wisdom and patience. But it’s up to Lesha.—
As you each other tenderly call?
Юлия Ковальчук и Алексей Чумаков: «Мы пережили кризис в отношениях»Honey.
Юлия Ковальчук и Алексей Чумаков: «Мы пережили кризис в отношениях»Cute.
You are together for more than 10 years… there were crises during this time?
Юлия Ковальчук и Алексей Чумаков: «Мы пережили кризис в отношениях»They always have all permanent. Just as everyone has the desire or lack thereof to work on complex moments. It is important to recognize the shortcomings of another person. They don’t have to like it, it’s all blah-blah-blah, they can only make, accept or try to ignore. Julia try in the corner to put the love and mutual respect, and then everything else.
Юлия Ковальчук и Алексей Чумаков: «Мы пережили кризис в отношениях»It is difficult to find a couple that, having lived so much time together, would not experience any problems. We are not an exception. But things like this make people either to part or to unite. In our case, the crisis was an important turning point, which once again showed the strength of our love and so we began to appreciate each other.
Юлия Ковальчук и Алексей Чумаков: «Мы пережили кризис в отношениях»
Do you have any important family dates?
Юлия Ковальчук и Алексей Чумаков: «Мы пережили кризис в отношениях»Wedding anniversary, Dating and birthday daughter, our Julia.
Юлия Ковальчук и Алексей Чумаков: «Мы пережили кризис в отношениях»Every month from birth to Amelia – the most important holiday. Note the date of the beginning of our relationship, the wedding.—
Yulia does have some flaws, weaknesses, do you think?
Юлия Ковальчук и Алексей Чумаков: «Мы пережили кризис в отношениях»Speaks loudly. Wants to be heard. Not knowing what I even perceive her whisper. It’s just a habit. And weaknesses is shoes.
Юлия Ковальчук и Алексей Чумаков: «Мы пережили кризис в отношениях»I love to argue.—
What is the most crazy thing done in life?
Юлия Ковальчук и Алексей Чумаков: «Мы пережили кризис в отношениях»From 1600 rubles went to Moscow, taking a one-way ticket. Was 2002 the year. He lived four days on a bench outside of the hotel “Cosmos” – it was safe. Left everything – apartment, job, girlfriend…
Юлия Ковальчук и Алексей Чумаков: «Мы пережили кризис в отношениях»They had had enough. Parachute jump at age 18. Not told about it even my mom because she is my life, and would not let go. Even though I was already in another city. Now, knowing that my daughter is 18 years old report that’s going to jump with a parachute, I worried in the same moment.—
Alex, what would never have been able to forgive you, Julia?
Юлия Ковальчук и Алексей Чумаков: «Мы пережили кризис в отношениях»Betrayal regarding Amelia. Because, unlike my similar act in the direction of Julia or, for example, on the contrary, her to me, with deep regret, the long conversations, I think you can try to understand and forgive. But with respect to the daughter for anything.
Юлия Ковальчук и Алексей Чумаков: «Мы пережили кризис в отношениях»Betrayal.
Юлия Ковальчук и Алексей Чумаков: «Мы пережили кризис в отношениях»
What traits in yourself, becoming a father and mother?
Юлия Ковальчук и Алексей Чумаков: «Мы пережили кризис в отношениях»The feeling of absolute altruism and sacrifice.
Юлия Ковальчук и Алексей Чумаков: «Мы пережили кризис в отношениях»– – Sacrifice.—
Who is better cook? Julia or your mother-in-law? From what foods excited?
Юлия Ковальчук и Алексей Чумаков: «Мы пережили кризис в отношениях»I love how Julia managed the kitchen. Mother-in-law of the food I eat much less. Pancakes Svitlana baked awesome. And the wife in many ways preparing the soup, pancakes, shrimp.
Юлия Ковальчук и Алексей Чумаков: «Мы пережили кризис в отношениях»To compare it is impossible. All the good I learned from my mother. She has amazing meals. I also, in General, is good, though it doesn’t happen very often. Lesha love meringue, pasta, pancakes. And soup.—
What do the most challenging for you in the new role?
Юлия Ковальчук и Алексей Чумаков: «Мы пережили кризис в отношениях»The need to be with the child for the sake of the daughter nothing needed.
Юлия Ковальчук и Алексей Чумаков: «Мы пережили кризис в отношениях»Not be able round the clock to stay with Amelia. Still correct graph. Continue to work, but if you have any business shooting, you can transfer, move, do it.—
To whom is the daughter most like?
Юлия Ковальчук и Алексей Чумаков: «Мы пережили кризис в отношениях»I’m not objective: I sometimes see Julia sometimes. It seems to me, more like a daughter like a mother, because blond.
Юлия Ковальчук и Алексей Чумаков: «Мы пережили кризис в отношениях»I think she looks just like me in childhood. But changing very fast, every day I see more and more Lechenich hell. It is difficult to imagine what the baby will even a month.—
What qualities wanted in the first place to educate your child?
Юлия Ковальчук и Алексей Чумаков: «Мы пережили кризис в отношениях»Full, good, happy, healthy, loving world, who reciprocates her feelings, man.
Юлия Ковальчук и Алексей Чумаков: «Мы пережили кризис в отношениях»Dedication, wisdom, femininity. Be able to be happy, to enjoy the little things. It now amuses her everything, but later when you grow up, we become stale. —
Daughter singing your songs? What kind of music she likes?
Юлия Ковальчук и Алексей Чумаков: «Мы пережили кризис в отношениях»She loved the song “Heaven in your eyes”. Listened to her while still in the mother’s tummy when we did the video for this track. And I, and my wife sometimes sang to her daughter, rocked her. And the baby immediately calmed down.
Юлия Ковальчук и Алексей Чумаков: «Мы пережили кризис в отношениях»Sing her entire repertoire. Amelia likes the music, basically. And baby songs, classical. Especially leschine, “Heaven in your eyes”, under which it periodically falls asleep. On a subconscious level, when she was still in the tummy, remember probably heard it a million times during the filming of the clip. Responds to her very lovingly.—
Want more kids?
Юлия Ковальчук и Алексей Чумаков: «Мы пережили кризис в отношениях»As God will give. Of course, Yes.
Юлия Ковальчук и Алексей Чумаков: «Мы пережили кризис в отношениях»Of course, God forbid that all this is not dragged on and we became even more.
How do you see yourself in 20 years?
Юлия Ковальчук и Алексей Чумаков: «Мы пережили кризис в отношениях»Healthy, happy, popular artists.
Юлия Ковальчук и Алексей Чумаков: «Мы пережили кризис в отношениях»I will be 55. It will be a family with its own traditions – for example, on Sundays to gather for lunch, all the children arrived. Maybe we have and grandchildren will. In 20 years, in principle, it is possible to try. Sure music party with friends, sessions. All family members were healthy and were nearby. Without them, inferior happiness.—
This week you got a duet about love. What inspired, who was the initiator?
Юлия Ковальчук и Алексей Чумаков: «Мы пережили кризис в отношениях»Always inspires a good song. My wife sent it, she gave me. The structure is certainly more my style than Julia’s. Then we decided that there could be a duet.
Юлия Ковальчук и Алексей Чумаков: «Мы пережили кризис в отношениях»For inspiration in the music the pair simply some chemistry. Without love it is difficult to sing about love. Not planning to do it now. But the stars aligned.—
What you do, so to speak, to provoke creativity? Three things.
Юлия Ковальчук и Алексей Чумаков: «Мы пережили кризис в отношениях»First, peace of mind for friends and relatives, or to create no strength. The second is the response of the audience. Understanding that it is not, breaks off very seriously. When people come to a concert, smile and dance and sing by heart a song, regardless of the number of rotations – that is it the buzz of their profession. And third – when you do not have to create a song in order for anyone to please, to adapt. And when you write what I like myself, and it turns out to be loved by the millions. You can also feel that now it is necessary to the public, as do 95% of artists. To catch the trend. But there is a 5% that I enter when you’re doing it because your fingers fell on the key that way.
Юлия Ковальчук и Алексей Чумаков: «Мы пережили кризис в отношениях»Love, peace and a little creativity. I can go to a concert to hear a completely unfamiliar artist. And to get such a boost!—
The song somehow reflects your family life? Maybe it’s a dedication of your love, its fruit is Amelia?
Юлия Ковальчук и Алексей Чумаков: «Мы пережили кризис в отношениях»Daughter, we have dedicated other songs that will be released later. They already have. This song is about love, like most normal songs. That no matter down or up, the important thing is that here and now we are together. It’s a good phrase: “Turn on my light, turn off storage”. We are a married couple, we love each other, so the song is dedicated to all loving each other people.
Love and our daughter – it’s all one word. But this song is not about the child, it is about how each person can be for another light in my life. As we are for each other.