Звезде «ДОМа-2» Рите Керн запретили есть после тяжелой операции Ex-member of the TV show decided on another surgery. Rita Kern was not satisfied with her cheek. However, before she resorted to cosmetic procedures, so the subcutaneous layer was severely damaged.
Звезде «ДОМа-2» Рите Керн запретили есть после тяжелой операции

Memorable to the audience an impressive bust of the ex-participant of “House-2” Rita Kern again decided to improve their appearance. She wanted to achieve a fashionable sunken cheeks. However, previously, she often turned to the esthetician to inject fillers. According to Kern, that ruined her the subcutaneous layer, using a gel. Now this tool has spread and caused tissue scarring. Rita has turned to the doctor. This striking piece is not afraid of the operation: this interference is carried out under local anesthesia.

“The condition is satisfactory, the main thing is to wait five days. The doctor said that it will take another 2 operations to remove the polymer and to lift the corners of the lips. Very happy that it came to Dr. Alex. Previous beautician to sue will not, because the statement she had written five years ago, she was forbidden to work now, and the case is still not closed, so many victims from her hands. Anesthesia is local, so nothing to fear, it is very easy to carry,” said Rita, in an interview with “StarHit”.

After the surgery the girl needs to comply with a special regime for tissues to recover much faster. She now needs to wear a special bandage to support the area where the operation took place. “You can’t eat hard, hot, spicy food. Only liquid and soft. Cheeks I now, like a hamster, swollen, have to wear a bandage on my face for three days,” added Kern.

Earlier, the girl resorted to other surgical procedures. She did rhinoplasty and increased several times in the chest. She’s completely okay now the volume of the bust. “For the first time had a boob job as a gift to the man, and then just wanted a bigger size. But the next two surgeries were unsuccessful, I moved implants. In the end, made a last, fourth time, already as large, shift have nowhere to go. Really like the result, redo going,” said Kern.