Появилась подробная информация о конфликте Сергея Зверева и его приемного сына
Some time ago the son of the famous stylist Sergei Zverev learned that he was adopted.

Появилась подробная информация о конфликте Сергея Зверева и его приемного сына

Now a young man tries to find his biological parents, but his adoptive father is trying to take a share in the apartment. For the past few weeks this topic is of great interest to Network users.

Появилась подробная информация о конфликте Сергея Зверева и его приемного сына

“Sergei is a senior owner of three-room apartment, 120 sq. m. the Son only is registered, just threatened to sue, his wife was not spelled out. The apartment is large, in the center of Moscow”, – said the insider.

Recall that in recent years relations Sergei Zverev and his adopted son got corrupted, which is very frustrating stylist.

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