Дочь Иванушки из «Морозко» рассказала о жизни отца в психбольнице The daughter of the known actor Eduard Izotov became the heroine of the program “the Destiny of man” with the YouTube Korchevnikov on the TV channel “Russia 1”. The successor artist admitted why her father went to prison, and after liberation was not able to stand up.
Дочь Иванушки из «Морозко» рассказала о жизни отца в психбольнице

The role of the charismatic Ivan glorified Eduard Izotov throughout the Soviet Union, making the blue-eyed boy a real sex symbol. But soon, the actor disappeared from the screens, the reason for this was the arrest. Caught in 1983 during the exchange of dollars into rubles, he spent three years in Matrosskaya Tishina. And this stroke of fate was unable to survive.

A few strokes and operations followed the long-awaited release. The actor was forced to move in a wheelchair. Role he was given, he could not hold even a text. The last years of Eduard Konstantinovich spent in a psychiatric clinic. And, according to his daughter, before his death, wanted to return home.

“From Sumy and from prison, as they say. This disaster was. Dad was crystal clear man, like his father. He was law-abiding. What happened? He and his wife wanted to change money, currency transactions,” admitted Veronica Izotova.
Дочь Иванушки из «Морозко» рассказала о жизни отца в психбольнице

According to the official version, Izotov with his second wife Irina Ladyzhensky was arrested in the Metropolitan cafe “lyre”. The money they were planning to exchange, they need to build cottages. However, in the USSR such operations was prohibited and punishable “currency manipulation”, according to the Criminal code, imprisonment for at least three years. The ex-wife of actor Inga Budkevich was trying to help him.

“In the cafe them and took them. There was a trial, and my mother collected signatures in his defense, ran into the theater, asked colleagues to support. By the time she had divorced dad and remarried. Even my mom’s new husband helped her to draw up a petition. They helped as best they could. Mom to each actor approached and asked to sign, there was a huge list. And Hooks, and Andreev. Well played in court Oleg Strizhenov! All cried! Still, it helped my father, the period, threatened big,” shared daughter Izotov.
Дочь Иванушки из «Морозко» рассказала о жизни отца в психбольнице

While in prison, the actor fell into a severe depression. Veronica still remembers how much dad has changed over the years. In addition, the actress believes the father was framed spouse.

“Awful-awful. It was so scary. First, when I arrived, I didn’t recognize him. Before me sat another person. It killed, strangled. All the time trying to find the cause, he always drove, he knew no difficulties, he did not have them. When mom tried to say something, he replied: “You don’t know what it is,” If this offense dig out something, it turns out: it is not their fault so it went. Foolishly, naively, his wife was framed. And it only came out on the court”

According to Veronica, the transaction started by the wife of the father of Irina together with her ex-husband. That day, the three of them were in the ill-fated café.

“Follow Irina and her ex-husband. And when they wanted to change, the money put into the boot of dad! Neither myself nor my ex-husband, and my father. So I think that this is a setup,” recalled Veronica.

To save her father from a prolonged depression Irina decided to send him for treatment to a mental hospital.

“Went a series of strokes to play, he could not, but the dubbing worked. Soon we had couldn’t speak. Then Irina has put him in the hospital, where he died. It was awful. Why did she do it? This is a question for his wife, and she put it there. Don’t know why, she said she was afraid to be around him. We visited him, sister, nephew. Dad asked me to pick him up, he said, “You don’t understand what’s going on here. It’s horrible, get me out of here”. But it was decided by the Ira. She died recently,” said Veronica.