Диета Анны Семенович: «Когда хочется есть, я занимаюсь сексом» The singer unexpectedly revealed details of the upcoming wedding. Anna Semenovich said that the men she values most. As it turned out, while she likes her relationship and she is in no hurry to become a mother.
Диета Анны Семенович: «Когда хочется есть, я занимаюсь сексом»

  • WHEN will the FIRST MILLION… quickly spent: I bought my mom a new kitchen, a fur coat. The rest somehow melted.
  • It’s NICE WHEN MY PHOTOS on INSTAGRAM LAYKAET… Mr President… Posner. I try to post not just pretty pictures and useful information. If a man of mind and level of interesting finds on my page, which is good.
  • HURTS WHEN PEOPLE… don’t look in the eye. It means that the person is insincere in communication, hiding something or trying to deceive.
  • WOULD NEVER SING a DUET WITH… her beloved in bed. And indeed with their chosen one wouldn’t have to sing, it is necessary absolutely for another. I don’t need to explain why exactly?
  • SO I WANTED to GO down the AISLE… the man must be dumb. Me – as on interrogation in the movie: each word can be used against you.
  • STILL NOT MARRIED, BECAUSE… don’t particularly want to go there. Like how today is built our relationship. This is my position. No bonds of marriage.

THREE THINGS THAT are SURE to BE AT MY WEDDING… fantastic food, delicious drinks, unbridled joy.
Диета Анны Семенович: «Когда хочется есть, я занимаюсь сексом»

  • WHEN I have CHILDREN, I… don’t know what I’ll do. It seems to me that the woman understands the essence of motherhood only after the birth of the child. You can read a lot of literature, to listen to the stories of friends. But the experience is all yours, private.
  • Actually MY CHEST… the nurse. To her for 15 years confined such close attention that it is still unclear which of us is more popular, me or she.
  • NEVER WEAR… non-sexual lingerie. It is beautiful, in many ways, sets the women’s mood. Yes, and you never know how to end the evening.
  • NOT a DAY GOES by THAT I… did not take a bath with salt. It’s a sacred ritual: no matter how hurried the morning, have 20 minutes to spend in the warm water, to plan for the day, charged with energy.

Most of the FOOD I LOVE… fried potatoes. Her genius was preparing grandma. Can easily sit down and devour the whole pan. Of course, then myself for this very abused, prescribe a penalty clock on the treadmill. This happens a maximum of once per month.
Диета Анны Семенович: «Когда хочется есть, я занимаюсь сексом»

  • I don’T WANT TO LEARN, WHEN … sitting at the table. I don’t like the moment shooting.
  • WHEN AT NIGHT I WANT to EAT… I’m having sex. However, after the hunger even more. It is necessary again to have sex until morning and wait for Breakfast.
  • As a CHILD, CLASSMATES used to CALL ME… Seed. Never offended. It seemed very sweet and somehow warm. Almost like “sun”.
  • WOULD LIKE to BE LIKE… Anna Semenovich. I have worked hard and work on yourself, spiritual, intellectual and professional growth. I made something of myself. And quite pleased with the result.

CHARACTER TRAIT you WANT to get RID of… eternal doubt. I quickly make important decisions, do things. But then you start to analyze and correctly received… In 99% of cases everything is done right.
Диета Анны Семенович: «Когда хочется есть, я занимаюсь сексом»

  • The PEOPLE do NOT ACCEPT… hypocrisy. Can’t communicate with those who want to appear sanctimonious, I love to teach and tell how to behave and live. And then out of their closets the skeletons of the gigantic falls.
  • They’re terrified of… rats. Remember how in Paris, Notre Dame de Paris, where these terrible animals are literally walking on foot under the handle, so frightened that he jumped up on a high parapet and screamed.
  • THE MOST RIDICULOUS RUMOR THAT SPREAD ABOUT ME…. I’m a transvestite. One base edition doubt my female origins. Nothing is more absurd than not read. But thanks to this publication, the family has ceased to react to other stories.
  • LAST MONTH I was most AMUSED… running me in Instagram series “Jimmy and Anya.” It’s a very funny story about how I became the wife of a very cute Indian.
  • IF the HOUSE is NOT REMOVED, AND after 15 MINUTES COME visit… stuff lying around, hidden under the bed or stuffed in the closet. Quickly all mask.
  • WHEN it GETS BORING… meal with friends in the karaoke, and drink wine and sing happy songs. But honestly, this rarely happens. There is always an interesting book, the film, which has not yet seen.

NOT WORRIED about AGE… I was still quite young. It’s a silly Convention. Don’t understand why everyone is so nervous for him, my passport… Nothing.

  • MY bad HABIT… to speak the truth. Almost nobody likes it, people get offended. But the way I was raised.
  • WHEN you STAY HOME ALONE, LOVE… to relax and be silent. My job is constantly with someone to talk. So alone just thinking. Even the phone is turned off.