Звезда «Улиц разбитых фонарей» ушел из жизни
Yuri Aroyan died at the age of 67 years.

Yuri Aroyan

Star of the TV series “Streets of broken lamps” Yuri Aroyan died
in Saint-Petersburg. 67-year-old actor was found dead in his apartment. According to preliminary
data, the investigators arrived at the apartment of the artist, did not find traces of
of violent death.

Yuri Mankovich Aroyan was born on 17 July 1950 in the city
Tkibuli Georgian Soviet Union. After school Haroyan moved to Armenia and graduated from
Yerevan Institute of physical education. In high school he became interested in acting profession and
he enrolled in the Yaroslavl theater school. Volkov. Worked in Tbilisi
theatre of the young spectator. Viewers became famous after the role of criminal
credibility in the TV series “Streets of broken lamps”. After that he was invited
and on other TV projects. Aroyan played in such famous series as “Agent
national security”, “Gangster Petersburg” and “On behalf of the Baron”.