Преображение похудевшей Анфисы Чеховой восхитило ее поклонников
Recently, famous TV presenter Anfisa Chekhov has changed noticeably.

Преображение похудевшей Анфисы Чеховой восхитило ее поклонников

Last year she divorced with her husband Guram Bablishvili, and then were able to lose weight and changed my hair. Fans are delighted at the appearance of the presenter and her determination.

Преображение похудевшей Анфисы Чеховой восхитило ее поклонников

“Awesome!!!!”, “Very beautiful!” “Similar to a porcelain figurine Gzhel in painting”, “look Like Aphrodite really”, “Beautiful photo. You are great!”, “Insanely good!”, “Angel of the sea”, “Where can I buy this suit?”, “Such a bright flying butterfly! True, however some still — tracks!”, – write in the comments the users of the Network.

Recall that Anfisa has registered marriage with the father of her child three years ago and their relationship began back in 2009.

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