Мать Владимира Стеклова не смогла вынести серьезную операцию This Saturday in the new issue of the weekly television magazine “One day…” will appear a famous actor. Recently the artist was 70 years old and the best gift for a solid date was the birth of the third daughter, Arina.
Мать Владимира Стеклова не смогла вынести серьезную операцию

Vladimir Steklov will tell you that the first conscious memory of my mom was her accounting armlets, adding machines and abacuses, which sometimes flew into it. The artist will remember how blown from the Kazakh steppes, the mother took him to warm Astrakhan, where he began the training of future major theater and film stars.

Viewers of NTV know what game the actor came up with an average daughter Glafira that glass is ready to go for the role that his idea of a real man.

“In recent years, my mom had a fairly complex operation. She had a craniotomy at the Institute of Burdenko. She had an acoustic neuroma. After surgery, everything went well. In short, she lost her hearing. I remember when I called you, mobile has not been, and was just a phone, and the first: “Vova, where are you? Where are you, where?”. And here is the first: “Vova, where are you?”. That’s the refrain I always hear where I am,” the share of Steklov.

Vladimir will tell you that he was laughed at the other guys when applying to drama school, however, the future famous actor went ahead. The poem of the great Russian poet helped Steklova to gain respect from students and teachers.

“I remember that there was a large group, someone was a theatrical team, and some newcomers. I had something to read. And when the turn reached me, I read “Letter to women” Yesenin. And there was some ridicule in the beginning, because it was a Burr, etc., etc… “With a greeting, remembering You always. Your Friend, Sergei Yesenin”. And then ringing silence and applause. Then it must put something. And then Yes, the theatre school,” told the actor.

Vladimir loves daughters. He is proud of the senior heiress, spends a lot of time with the youngest Arina. But the fear of being alone still occasionally eating it.

“We somehow Glasha all the time playing this game. With Faces no. Well, Glasha played: when I said “I love you”, she said to me, “And I’ll come in handy.” This is very much useful. But time passes, they get older. They are growing up. This is again a reproach to themselves or to their children. And do not really feel: “I’m useful” – says the artist.

At Steklov has its weaknesses. For example, a serious dramatic actor loves to wash the dishes.

“In our understanding of what it means to be a man? To do things which you don’t for a regular code, and some things that can’t always be heroic. And most of all, to wash the dishes. Maybe what I love to wash the dishes. Although there is a dishwasher, and everything else. To wash the dishes… it calms me so. I sink into some such state – fly away, fly away somewhere far away. And all it touches. You wash the dishes? You love, you say? I said, “Yes.” And your woman with pride said, “Yes, wash the dishes,” notes glass.