Звезда «Папиных дочек» Катя Старшова показала округлившийся живот 16-year-old actress hinted to fans on her pregnancy. Katya Starshova, made famous by the TV series “Daddy’s girls”, was surprised by the unexpected. However, she immediately said that was a joke.
Звезда «Папиных дочек» Катя Старшова показала округлившийся живот

16-year-old Katya Starshova became famous after he participated in the TV series “Daddy’s girls”. A small button was a favorite of the fans, but after the completion of filming of the sitcom did not pursue an active acting career.

This year Starshova finishes school. Earlier she posted photos of her dress for the prom, and now all struck fans frame in which noticeable rounded tummy.

“Wait for a new release of the program “16 and Pregnant”, – has signed a frame actress.

Fans immediately came to the conclusion that Kate was joking and put something under the jacket. They praised the girl for creativity and fantasy. “It’s funny, but I think you it’s too soon”, “Probably during the exams she was pregnant and textbooks”, “It’s very funny. Create a sensation all the joy,” wrote the fans of the stars.

However, among fans Starkovoy there were those who believed in her pregnancy. They condemned the girl for such images, considering that Kate is the idol for their fans and may cause a bad influence.

By the way, the girl often posted photos of her lover. Kate and her partner were engaged in the dance section and has spoken at numerous competitions. Now, however, the actress stopped to post romantic pictures. Fans assume that now heart Starkovoy freely.

The girl used actively to share with followers thoughts and interesting events of life. She recently posted a photo of prom dresses, which was not liked by the fans. Then Kate decided to Express their opinion about the criticism.

“Purely my opinion: the dress is very elegant and looks impressive. With makeup and beautiful hairstyle will turn out a decent image. The color is gentle and unobtrusive, as small and bright crystals, the stones. I am a graduate, not a lady who will walk the catwalk for a fashion magazine. I see no reason to make a splash,” – said Starshova.

The fans hope that after graduation, Kate will continue her acting career. The girl herself has not yet said where it plans to do. It’s possible that she will choose a creative profession. However, the star “Daddy’s daughters” has repeatedly stressed that it is now much more interested in not shooting a movie, and achievements in dance and figure skating.