Елена Малышева истязает себя голодом Leading decided to take radical methods to lose weight. Elena could easily do a whole day without food. Fans of star worry about her health and praise for the iron force of will.

Elena Malyshev long leads a program dedicated to health. Leading often deals with the themes of excess weight and problems with metabolism.

The TV star also has a page in Instagram. She often communicates with fans, giving the latest news. Elena, like many other women, decided to lose weight for the summer season. Presenter arranges itself fasting days. Netizens admire the results.

“Minus 1 kilogram 600 grams! This is for yesterday, here is the exact contents of the menu: 375 g herb, any, mixed with water. Plus there was added one Apple. I also drank two cups of coffee with a splash of milk. The calorie content of coffee – two kilocalories per 100 g Caloric content of milk, which I added, is 37. 100 grams I added about 30, which is 12 kcal. Thus, the calories yesterday, about 185 calories. I survived! To eat would. Told myself only one thing: “Smile and be patient!” Today my menu is: 200 g of flesh of chicken thighs, 370 calories, and 200 grams of Kale, and also broccoli and cauliflower. Only 645 calories. There is no hunger,” shared leading.

Malyshev previously announced that it begins a 10-day marathon. Elena wants to lose weight fast, she urged users of the Network will join her.

“Beginning marathon for weight loss. Smile and be patient! This is the principle of life in these 10 days. Every day I am going to show you what I’m doing. Today full day five green smoothies. They are made from herbs and plain water. All divided into five portions. This is my food. Water without restrictions. The details are live on Instagram,” – said Malyshev.