Екатерина Кузнецова отказалась от диеты
The actress appreciated the Israeli kitchen.

Екатерина Кузнецова отказалась от диеты

Ekaterina Kuznetsova enjoyed Israeli cuisine

Photo: Instagram

During a trip to tel Aviv Ekaterina Kuznetsova, who always strictly watching their diet, decided to arrange a holiday belly. The actress thoroughly studied the national Israeli cuisine.

“I not only ate at a local cafe, but also buy the products on the market, — says Katya. — Most liked fruits and berries, we have simply not found, and falafel in the pita! By the way, I not only ate their fill of it herself, and fed the Labradors I’ve met on the street.”

This behavior met the fans of Catherine’s approval. Of course! Indeed, in recent years they are very much worried about the actress — with the growth of 170 cm, she always tried to keep weight 56 kg, but on the eve of the summer lost even more! Because of this she has lost any curves she has even become “visible” to the bone. Apparently, Catherine changed his mind in time, and the trip to Israel with his caloric kitchen went to her only benefit.

Ekaterina Kuznetsova

Photo: Instagram

It seems hard to believe that as a child, Kate was a chubby girl. For the first time to lose weight the future, the actress has decided at the age of 16. She liked one boy, and she sat on a diet.

“He said he loves me any, but I decided for it to be perfect, — told the star “7 Days”. — Stopped eating candy, cakes, muffins — everything you love. Three month my menu was the same: in the morning — salad with banana, kiwi and orange and a glass of fresh juice. Lunch consisted of steak with vegetables, and dinner — an Apple or banana. When the body is starved of glucose, replaced the sweets with honey. As accustomed to eating, lost weight dramatically. And with the beginning of study at the theatre Institute overweight and did not return. I also interested in fitness. And keep appetite, otherwise, goodbye slim figure! Now I worry when I can’t exercise regularly. If you eat something very high in calories, I need the treadmill to lose my extra. But at home I have weights on the hands and feet for running. I can swing a press or doing exercises without any additional devices”.