TERRY: «Чемпионскую речь заготовил заранее, но не было возможности озвучить» Yesterday announced the results of the first season of the musical project “SONGS” on TNT. The best was a 25-year-old native of Tashkent TERRY – member of the team Timothy. His victory guy devoted to his mother.
TERRY: «Чемпионскую речь заготовил заранее, но не было возможности озвучить»

“It was a real rush of power when he called me! – shared by with “StarHit”. – Toyed across the stage, do not hold back emotions, because I have long sought recognition. Many years were equal to Timothy and happy that he saw the potential.”

According to the artist, realizing what had happened, he felt relief – bankruptcy Chapter ended.

“Work on track “mercury” I started at the stage of selection and continued on the project, – says the winner. Music we co-wrote with my friend. This song is the same point I made in my competitive history. Behind me there were a lot of defeats, and this track says: whatever the circumstances, will still come and take her. And nothing can stop me”.

Before the final, TERRY could not sleep. “Dozed off for one hour, – the artist admitted. – Repeatedly broadcast a speech, then realized that visualization does not help, I need to concentrate. Set a clear goal – to take and do, show themselves worthy”.

The singer also said that especially for the final, I decided not to write the champion’s speech – just in the past, such blanks there were, however, to pronounce them not work.

“The most difficult challenge on the project was constant tension. Hard to live in isolation from the outside world – to sit in the same room with the same people. ‘ve never spoken, honest! The project helped to understand that previously hindered success. I believed that my music can like people, hands are lowered. Hope to sign a contract with the label Black Star. By the way, the victory was devoted to his mother. Thank you for supporting her and the entire Uzbekistan, we never leave”.

Plans for the ambitious guy: to sleep, and then go home – “to recover, to meet with family and friends, ride to places where I grew up, recharge your batteries”. And, of course, continue to write good songs. “I will try to match the title of winner of the project, create a new show business, to find new sounds and make new music.”