Принц Гарри увезет Меган Маркл в Канаду Became known to a new location, where the newlyweds will spend their honeymoon. It was initially reported that Prince Harry and Meghan Markle are going to go to Africa, but, apparently, their plans changed dramatically.
Принц Гарри увезет Меган Маркл в Канаду

19 may was held the wedding of Prince Harry and American actress Meghan Markle. To all Englishmen it is one of the most important events of the year. However, not everyone was thrilled with the fact that some of the traditions of such a great event was broken. Some said that Queen Elizabeth did not seem happy because of the marriage of the grandson and the picture of her look at the new cousin has become a meme in the Network.

However, now discussed the choice of the direction where a pair will go to spend their honeymoon. Foreign journalists managed to find out that Prince Harry will take his new wife to Canada. They chose the city of Alberta and the Fairmont Jasper Park Lodge

The Royal couple expressed a preference for a very secluded getaway. Available Harry and Megan will be six bedrooms. The hotel is proud that it stayed great-grandparents of Prince king George VI with his wife Elizabeth in 1939 year.

Принц Гарри увезет Меган Маркл в Канаду

Reportedly, the protection of the Royal couple will be engaged in both British and canadian intelligence services. They will try to do everything to new husband nothing marred the rest.

Initially it was said that after the wedding Prince Harry and Meghan Markle go to Africa to be alone to feel one with nature. However, apparently, they changed their minds.

Принц Гарри увезет Меган Маркл в Канаду

Many still discuss Korolevskogo the wedding was an invited 600 people. However, not all happily gathered for the occasion. Ex-fiancee of Prince Harry Chelsea Davy, which for six years of an affair with the heir to the throne was predicted to have relationship with the main family in the UK, also received the right to be present at the ceremony. Despite the fact that the couple broke up, the groom felt it necessary to invite ex-lover to the feast, where he pronounced the oath of eternal love to another woman. Apparently, politeness and good upbringing prevented her to refuse the invitation of a former boyfriend. However, it found it unnecessary to go to the party by visiting the official part of the celebration. Prince Harry brought his ex-girlfriend to tears before the wedding

Now Prince Harry began a new period, in the past, and therefore he’s going to fully enjoy the opportunity to spend time in privacy with his wife. As it became known to TMZ that became world-famous couple will be “some equipment and sweets that are not so often at hand”.