Звезда сериала «Великолепный век» изуродовала себе лицо Recent images of Meriem Sahra Userli struck fans. Some netizens have criticized the artist and model in December to the new-fangled cosmetic treatments, because her face has changed a lot.
Звезда сериала «Великолепный век» изуродовала себе лицо

The series “Magnificent century” glorified Meriem Sahra Userli all over the world. The role of the red-haired Hürrem Sultan suddenly caught the fancy of millions of viewers, many loyal admirers have tried to imitate the way one of the main characters of the picture.

Now, however, Meriem has changed. It has noticeably increased lips had pronounced cheekbones and extended eyelashes, also, the actress went blonde.

Звезда сериала «Великолепный век» изуродовала себе лицо
Звезда сериала «Великолепный век» изуродовала себе лицо

“Magnificent century” was released in 2011 and immediately brought worldwide fame and recognition for the whole crew. One of the main roles was performed by 34-year-old Meriem Uzerli. She immediately embraced by the audience and became the most recognizable actress of the project.

Звезда сериала «Великолепный век» изуродовала себе лицо

Meriem was born into the family of the Turk and the German. The actress is the fourth child, she has older brothers Danny and Christopher and a sister Canan. Uzerli adolescence dream of becoming an actress. She studied acting at the drama Studio the mill, participated in small theatrical projects, starred in a series of German short films.

But seven years ago, at the invitation of producer Yusuf Timur Savci played a major role in the historical series “Magnificent century”. The film tells about the life of the Ottoman Empire during the reign of Sultan Suleiman the Magnificent. Meriem played the role of concubine Roxolana, which was able to win the heart of the Lord. In 2013 Uzerli left the project, she said, from exhaustion. And next year, the actress delighted fans, she first became a mother. The star gave birth to a daughter called Lara. The artist often posts on the personal page on Instagram a photo with the baby.