Анастасия Волочкова судится с коммунальщиками из-за потопа A month ago, the dancer was the victim of negligence. During a shower the apartment Anastasia Volochkova, located on the last floor of the house on Tverskaya, the roof leaked.
Анастасия Волочкова судится с коммунальщиками из-за потопа

Immediately pouring water out of the attic ruined the expensive interior of the apartment of the ballerina. Anastasia had to seek the assistance of lawyers.

“We are friends, sue, says “StarHit” Vladimir Komsolev, attorney stars. – They are guilty – have not checked the coverage. There were constantly accumulated snow, as a result, the iron in some places rotted. And at the first rain appeared to flow. Hardest hit the ceiling and furniture, custom overseas… will Have to do repairs.”

According to the lawyer, Anastasia is not going to re-pay, because this isn’t her fault.

“Now we sign the necessary documents – continues Komsolev estimated the exact cost of the damage. Nastya is constantly in touch with me, hope to win it!”

According to relatives, a home collapse very upset Volochkova. According to conservative estimates, the utilities will have to pay damages in the region of 3 million rubles.

While lawyers engaged in the preparation of claims, Anastasia, together with close – beloved man Michael and daughter Ariadna – had gone on holiday in a five star hotel in Turkey. Upon returning the dancer will focus on the problem.

“Let me down easy – told in an exclusive interview with “StarHit” the ballerina. But such a feeling as resentment, I always try to drive away. I’m emotional, just react to the negative. Perceive it with strong pain. Save loved ones, they are my support. Those who I can tell absolutely everything to pour out his heart, Yes, even “send” a little bit. But they know that even if I said something rude, it does not mean that you need to go in a given direction. Anyone happen to have emotional breakdowns…”