Валерия нашла в себе силы уладить конфликт с девушкой сына
Initially, the singer Valeria, perhaps, did not plan to openly congratulate the girl son’s birthday, making it only in stories.

Валерия нашла в себе силы уладить конфликт с девушкой сына

But, after a day, the official Instagram star appeared beautiful, almost family photo of Valerie Joseph Prigogine and Anna Sheridan, where the singer wrote the words to the beloved son:

“Anya-beautiful @ann_sheridan , congratulations to you and @oliviya159 with the Day of your birth! Be happy, successful, let all of the goals that you’ve set for ourselves will come to pass, let women’s wisdom helps you in solving the difficult tasks of life! You will succeed, have no doubt about it. With love, we, I @prigozhin_iosif and our entire family.”.

Валерия нашла в себе силы уладить конфликт с девушкой сына

We will remind, that Anna Sheridan (real name Averyanov) literally “took away” from the family of the young Arseny, who lost his head from the beauty of the blonde over his three years, even dropped out and left home.

Валерия нашла в себе силы уладить конфликт с девушкой сына

Because of this, Valeria for some time, ceased to communicate with his son. But now the conflict is settled, and Anna became part of the family Prigogine-Soligenix.

Валерия нашла в себе силы уладить конфликт с девушкой сына

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