Мила Кунис о браке: «У меня самый лучший муж в мире!»

34-year-old Mila kunis and a 40-year-old Ashton Kutcher is not hiding his happiness in marriage. On kinawataka CinemaCon-2018 Mila shared with the interviewer his joy. On the show, the actress presented the new film “the Spy who conned me”, which, of course, played the role.

“I have the best husband in the world! I swear to you, I was very lucky. Near me lives an incredibly patient man who highly supports the whole family,” said kunis about Kutcher.

Shooting these paintings was held in Budapest, where Ashton went with his wife and children, three year old daughter Wyatt and one-year-old Demetrius. As told kunis, her children, the time spent is not wasted. Her eldest son during his stay in Budapest, pleased parents the progress in the study of the Hungarian language.

Visiting the show Ellen DeGeneres, along with his colleague Kate McKinnon, kunis talked about Comedy “the Spy who conned me” and the children. The movie will be released this summer.

Presenter asked the actress how her children. Mila happily began a story about his kids and said that women are smarter than men. She noticed that the development of their children. “They are completely different! The son reminds me of a sloth. He’s adorable, and I love it. He will still see this and ask: “Why do you say that?”. The truth is, women are smarter than men. This is the conclusion I made from watching two different people, which gave birth to”. says Mila.

Ellen in response to the statement kunis joked, saying that Dimitri it’s time to get off the shoulders of his father and begin to walk independently. “He’s a year old. He’s lazy!” responds the actress.

As stated earlier kunis and her husband Ashton Kutcher, they already have the perfect plan for a perfect future children. Three-year old daughter Elizabeth Wyatt and year-old son, Dimitri, they’re going to leave without an inheritance. About this Ashton said in an interview podcast DAX Shepard. Earned money the actors decided to pass to a charitable organization.

“We’re giving the money to charity,” said Ashton.

Such an act is not without reason. Star parents want to motivate their children to succeed on their own, and not with material support from their parents. However, no support Wyatt and Dimitri will remain.