Кристина Орбакайте заступилась за старшего сына
Nikita Presnyakov is under public scrutiny and in the past year often involved in scandals.

Кристина Орбакайте заступилась за старшего сына

The mother of a young man popular singer Kristina Orbakaite recently gave a Frank interview. She said that Nikita is not easy, as many believe that it owes only around its origin.

Кристина Орбакайте заступилась за старшего сына

“When I started out the way on to the stage, there were no social networks, and there were only Newspapers, magazines and broadcasts, so journalists criticism we quite easily endured, no one was humiliated and destroyed. It was hard for me when I was treated just like a daughter Pugacheva and Nikita already doubly harder. Whole life and he and I prove that introducing something of themselves without high-profile names, family ties,” — said the singer.

Nikita tries to prove to everyone that started his musical career not because of famous relatives, and only his talent.

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