Стивен Спилберг стал первым режиссером, заработавшим 10 миллиардов долларов
Maestro has set an absolute world record.

Стивен Спилберг стал первым режиссером, заработавшим 10 миллиардов долларов

Steven Spielberg


Steven Spielberg became the absolute champion: sche
anyone who has never managed to earn such status. Movies Steven
grossed more than $ 10 billion! Everything, even the most successful
competitors Spielberg, hopelessly behind his talent and success. Even such “titans” as Peter Jackson (Creator of “Lord of the rings”) and James Cameron, who created the franchise about
Terminator, Jaws and Titanic
“worth” only about 6 billion.

The last contribution of Spielberg in
the record figures are the fees
from the recently released sci-Fi movie “the First player
get ready.” This movie is only for
the first three weeks collected more than $ 100 million. And most of all for
Stephen earned four film franchise about Indiana Jones almost 2
billion in worldwide box office.

By the way, recently Steven Spielberg delighted fans of films about
Indiana Jones: he reported that he began work on the fifth part of the franchise.
Moreover, the Director confirmed that the main role will play again Harrison Ford, who soon after the start of filming will be
77 years!

There were rumors that in the new film the writers were going to “kill” the hero, Ford, and
fans of the franchise expected that his place will be the son of Indiana. He played in
the previous part of the franchise — “the Kingdom of the crystal skull” — 31-year-old actor
Shia LaBeouf.
However, as it became known, the Shia in the new project will not participate.
Himself if he refused the honor to play the role of a son of Indiana, or the producers do not
dare to contact with LaBeouf, who allowed himself for the time with flying
the date of completion of shooting of the previous film, a lot of antics in a drunken
the form was not reported.

Harrison Ford in “Indiana Jones and the Kingdom of the crystal skull”

Photo: Outnow.ch