Спину Анны Грачевской покрыла цветущая сакура For the sake of a masterpiece on the skin of the star for five hours suffered severe pain. Anna Grachevskaya love the new decoration on her back and claims that will cover tattoos and other parts of her beautiful body.

      Спину Анны Грачевской покрыла цветущая сакура

      A few days ago TV presenter Anna Grachevskaya intrigued subscribers microblog, informing them what is really important in Kaluga. However, the star quickly opened all the cards. As it turned out, in this town lives a sweet girl who is a consummate master of tattoos, and her professional and creative hands long wanted to surrender to Anna Grachevskaya. According to Anna, once you see the work of the Kaluga seamstress, she just felt an urge to put on the body of one of her paintings.

      A little more than five hours a stoic patience the terrible pain the media personality has been able to boast of the results. The back of Anna Grachevskii now and forever is original color picture in the form of cherry blossoms and kanji characters. A young woman from Kaluga work came to a complete delight. “I found my master, and it’s the same as having your own guru, doctor, hairdresser, psychologist, etc., – wrote Anna Grachevskaya in the microblog. – We worked five and a half hours. All this time I suffered, can’t say it was easy but believe me it was worth it. My dream came true now I live the canvas”. In addition, Grachevskaya added that willing to cover tattoos and other parts of her beautiful body.

      It should be noted that Grachevsky Anna was accompanied by her fiance, basketball player Artem Kuzyakin. However, his reaction to the tattoo TV celebrity says nothing. But he probably gave the nod to the beloved such experiments with the body. It is known that the relationship in this pair is close to ideal. These days Anna Grachevskaya and Artem Kuzyakin are preparing for the wedding. 30-year-old Grachevskaya is planning a big celebration in a big way – a Banquet for 200 people, the bride and merriment, which will last three days.

      We will remind, that Anna and Tom met at a basketball game last spring, thanks to a common friend. Pretty soon the lovers decided to live together. Artem moved to Moscow from St. Petersburg and settled in a one bedroom apartment Grachevskoe that after the divorce, she purchased the former spouse, the Creator of the “jumble” Boris Grachevskiy. In November last year Kuzyakin made Anna an offer hands and hearts.

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