Олег Анофриев во всем прислушивался к жене
Died 28 Mar actor Oleg anofriyev, which is not due to a serious heart disease.

Олег Анофриев во всем прислушивался к жене

The recent edition of “Tonight” was dedicated to the legendary actor and the Studio gathered the people close to Oleg Andreevich. The daughter of actor spoke about the relationship between their parents.

Олег Анофриев во всем прислушивался к жене

“He’s to the last days mother was jealous almost to a lamppost. Forced to leave work as soon as she turned 55. He certainly was a leader in the family, always insisted, but did as mom wanted me to. She always say nothing, and then say, “Well, can we do this?”, and dad gave up immediately, “As you wish, so be it,” said the woman.

It should be noted that anofriyev for his life married only once, on the doctor Natalia Georgievna Tlepshukov, and has lived with her entire life.

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