Олега Анофриева похоронят в Подмосковье
A farewell ceremony will be held today, March 30.

Oleg Anofriyev


Oleg anofriyev, who passed away at 88
year, will be buried in the suburbs near where he lived. About this daughter
actor Maria told TASS. The artist will be at peace cemetery at aksin’inskoe. At
the words of the son-in-law Anufrieva Sergei Solodinina, the farewell ceremony will be held on March 30
in the mourning hall of the Central clinical hospital of President Administration.

We will remind, on the death of the actor and singer became
known yesterday from Alexander Oleshko, who is a close friend Anofrieva. “Just did not
Oleg Anofriev, — wrote the actor in his personal microblog. The voice of our childhood,
our dear and beloved artist, great man… Thanks, that gave me the fellowship and
friendship. The Kingdom of heaven.”

The Voice Of Oleg
Anofrieva known to all, and the power and range of his vocals impressed the viewers.
For example, anofriyev sang all parties to the cartoon “Bremen town musicians”. It
voiced Troubadour, Atamansha, Robbers, Rooster, Cat, Dog, Guards the King,
performing songs by Gennady Gladkov on poetry by Yuri Entin. He also sounded so
unlike and different the characters of the cult cartoon “the Lion and turtle”.

The voice of Oleg Andreevich will sound on television
and after his death, because he sang all the lullabies from the transmission
“Good night, kids!”. The song “There is only a moment” which the artist
performed in the movie “Sannikov Land”, known throughout the country and perebivalis
countless number of times. In addition, Oleg A. played in the theater and
cinema, starring in more than 50 films, and in 1992 he made his debut as
the Director, putting the film “being in love” with Galina Polish, Svetlana Nemolyaeva and Alexander
in the lead roles.