Беременная Анастасия Костенко изменилась до неузнаваемости
The wife of Dmitry Tarasov gave himself up.

Беременная Анастасия Костенко изменилась до неузнаваемости

It was…

Photo: Instagram


Photo: Instagram

Pregnancy changed her appearance, Anastasia Kostenko, who in January of this year she married ex-husband of Olga Buzovoy Dmitry Tarasov. This was also noticed by members of the model, when the girl published a recent photo in your personal blog.

Because of the “interesting” position Anastasia stopped going to the tanning beds or use tanning. Her skin became lighter and seems to be “glowing” from the inside. Also, as often happens in pregnant women, plump lips Kostenko became even bigger. Now the model even looked like angelina Jolie. However, the wife of Dmitry Tarasov looks better than Jolie, which is often accused of anorexia and other equally terrible diseases. Kostenko also beautiful and looks completely happy, as befits a young wife and a future mother.

Also, apparently Anastasia belongs to the category of superstitious pregnant women who do not cut up to the birth. Kostenko went to my Barber to get my hair. Usually to enliven the hairstyle, the girl clipped a couple of centimeters of hair, but now, when I had to do without haircuts, the wizard offered her a procedure “happiness hair”.

“I am very happy that I managed to revive hair without changing the length — Anastasia admitted. — Undoubtedly, the best care!”

Recall that the married couple no longer hide the fact that soon they will have baby. Dmitry has published in a personal blog a photo in an embrace with his wife, which under the free dress clearly visible “pregnant” tummy. By the way, some were perplexed, how Anastasia managed to hide this quite an impressive tummy at the wedding. After all, the Network appeared a huge number of photographs, where not even a hint of pregnancy. The secret is simple: dress the model is specifically chosen with a slightly high waist, just enough that it is not conspicuous. The top of her slightly tightened corset. And in this day she was trying not to eat a lot and drink a little liquid. With these data, even in the evening, when the abdomen of a pregnant women becomes more noticeable in the early stages can be a bit of cheat. But now to escape makes no sense: young people are married before God and people. The couple is congratulated, although not yet commented on his “interesting position”. According to preliminary calculations, the child ‘ will be born this summer.