Молодой жене Ивана Краско пришлось вынести два ДНК-теста Natalia was greatly shocked. She managed to get the ex-wife of Ivan Ivanovich to send to the expertise of their elder son. However, the girl also had become a participant in our study with a man who called himself her father.
Молодой жене Ивана Краско пришлось вынести два ДНК-теста

Natalia Krasko insists that children born in the marriage of Ivan and Natalia Vial, not native to the artist. In the previous programme “In fact,” the actress said about this all over the country.

“Our common friend Irina said that this is a complete farce and a game. Natalia said that do not pass DNA on the eldest son, as he was in the camp. I called Natalia Nikolaevna and said, “let’s solve this issue”… I do not deny the fact that the children of Ivan Ivanovich”, – said Natalia.

She doesn’t like that in their life always has the woman. According to Natalia, this has a negative impact on their relations with Ivan Ivanovich. Besides, the former wife of the actor has officially refused to carry out a DNA test. Krasko plans to go to court. The editors of the program also tried to contact Val.

“DNA ready” – assured the audience Dmitry Shepelev.
Молодой жене Ивана Краско пришлось вынести два ДНК-теста

Natalia Vial still decided to come on the transmission. According to her, the eldest son of Ivan refused to undergo a DNA test on their own. That’s why she said last program that he was in a sanatorium.

The Studio also came Vyacheslav Smorodinov, Director Krasko, believes that Wal honest. To clarify the situation, invited Ivan Ivanovich. The incredible repercussions of the situation so that the actor came to the shooting in a shirt, bought the former spouse. She justified that by chance looked in the store.

However, Natalia Krasko was waiting for another surprise. After watching the previous transmission it was found that there is a man who calls himself the girl’s father.

Молодой жене Ивана Краско пришлось вынести два ДНК-теста

Went into the Studio, Alexander Grigoryan stared at Natalia. He said that during his service in the army met a guy, Sergei, to which he then arrived in Dzhankoy. Alexander recalls meeting with a young girl who helped him find to navigate in the local market, where he was lost. Her name was Marina. She pointed to them on February 23, and then they are walked several times. Then Alexander returned to Moscow. Some time later a friend informed him of the pregnancy of the girl.

Молодой жене Ивана Краско пришлось вынести два ДНК-теста

Natalia hurt to hear that a man calls himself her father. For many years she believed dad dead. But then at the cemetery I realized that he died two years before her birth. “Why? Now what?” – so reacted to the necessary DNA examination with Alexander.

It turned out that Ivan Krasko is indeed the father of the eldest son Val.

“The probability of paternity is 99.9 percent. I beg you to be calm”, – said Dmitry Natalia Krasko.

He Krasko joked that he may retire to the third woman. “Sabinochka, save me. This is my official statement” – appealed to the artist for the examiner Pantus.

Ivan advised Natalia to recover from any complexes. Then the Studio called children of Ivan Ivanovich. He introduced the sons to the public.

After passing the polygraph, Alexander admitted that he found the Marina, the biological mother of Natalia. However, as the experts found out, he was not aware of the pregnant ex-mistress.

“You have no right to hurt this girl, you are not the father,” said Shepelev.